Materials required:
– RockMolds Vertical Stamp
– Vertical Stamp Mix
– RockMolds Stone Sealer
– RockMolds Integral Color
– RockMolds Powdered Release
– Marking Paint – Water – Wheelbarrow – Shovel

The existing substrate is a set of concrete block columns. Vertical stamping is a perfect application to veneer these walls with a tropical White Coral stone look.
First Flexy-Bo Primer & Bonder is rolled onto the concrete columns. Allow to tack up for 30 minutes. Then apply a thin 1/8″ thick scratch coat of S-Type mortar with aRockMolds Pool Trowel, and scarify the surface.
After the scratch coat has been allowed to dry, thoroughly saturate the surface with a garden hose. Then apply a ½”- 2″ thick texture coat of a Vertical Stamp mix with a RockMolds Pool Trowel. Undulate the depth so that it has varying thickness.
Immediately visualize the stones, and scratch in rough outlines. These will be your stamping guidelines.
Tip #1: The thicker the stones, the deeper the joints, and the deeper the shadows. This gives the stones depth and realism. A liquid release is then applied to the troweled out texture coat, and to the stamps. This allows an impression without sticking. Stamp a distinctive texture between the stamping guidelines.
Tip #2: It is important to immediately stamp after a batch of Vertical Stamp mix has been applied, as the detailed texture will be captured with a softer surface.
Continue your application of a batch of Vertical Stamp mix, and stamping out immediately behind. We use TRO101F, LS301F, and LS106F for the majority of our coral stamping.
Tip: Rotate your stamp when stamping so the textures spin 360 degrees from stone to stone.
After the vertical stamp mix has sufficiently firmed up, usually within 4-6 hours, the joints can be accented by carving out. A RockMolds Tuck Point Trowel works great.
Tip: Keep the joints tight between the stones, to create a shadow and depth.
Tip: A chip brush dipped in water may be used at this time as well to clean up the stones.
Let your wall cure 24 hours minimum. Hose off any loose debris.
Color the stones with a flat sheen, water based acrylic, exterior latex paint. Spray on the base color first, usually an off-white, using a detail spray gun and small compressor. Dilute down the off-white paint about 10-20% with water for easier application and absorption into the Tru Pac X. Once your base color is completely dried, apply the second color, usually a beige. Dilute the beige paint down about 50% with water, as you will be spraying, and then immediately wiping off the surface with clean rags. This will give you an antiquing affect of brown in the texture, but off-white on the surface. Allow to dry completely.
Tip: Pour the paint thru a paint strainer, before attempting to spray thru a spray gun.
Tip: Have plenty of rags on hand before beginning to “antique” the white coral. If the paint is not wiped off easily, water the beige down a bit more.
Touch-up as required with the watered down off-white and beige paints. A light mist of white may be applied to tone down the antique color, or vise-versa.
Tip: Exterior paint does not require sealing.